2022, Universitätsverlag Hildesheim, in English and German

"Bahala Ka" translated from Filipino Tagalog means "It's up to you" or "I leave it up to you". "Bahala Ka" is one of the possible uses of "Bahala" that appears in pre-colonial Old Tagalog and Sanskrit. The conceptual world of "Bahala" can stand symbolically for the working method of the artist Lizza May David, whose project includes the exhibition "Bahala Ka [What do I know?]", a performance in the context of this exhibition, an artist conversation, pre- and post-project talks, various collaborations and, last but not least, the text and image level of this publication.

The publication was designed by a r c and edited by Nora Brünger and Fiona McGovern and is published by Universitätsverlag Hildesheim.

Authors: Eva Bentcheva, Nora Brünger, Lizza May David, Teobald Lagos Peller, Fiona McGovern

Available as Print and Open Access : contact me for a print, or download pdf here.